Thursday, March 18, 2010

HW Due 3/22

Please read pages 233-242, and answer the following questions. I remind you that your work is to be your OWN in every way. Inability to do so will result in a 0 on this assignment.

  1. What were the general characteristics of "Jacksonian Democracy" [its philosophy, practice, etc.]?
  2. How did the spoils system fit into Jackson's "democratic" plans? What other means did he use to bring more people into the political process?
  3. What role did social rank and occupation play in the growing democratization of American politics? What was the reaction in New York and Rhode Island to these democratic trends?
  4. What groups were excluded from this widening of political opportunity? Why?
  5. What was the effect of this growth of democracy? How did it change, or not change, the American political system?
  6. How have historians differed over the nature of Jacksonian Democracy?
  7. Explain how these different opinions reflect divisions over what historians feel was the role Andrew Jackson played in the era named for him.
  8. Why did South Carolinians refer to the Tariff of 1828 as the "Tariff of Abomination?"
  9. What was John C. Calhoun's theory of nullification as set forth in the South Carolina Exposition and Protest?
  10. What was the "Kitchen Cabinet?" Who were its members? How did it come into existence?
  11. What were the origins of the Calhoun-Jackson split? How did the Eaton Affair contribute to this division?
  12. How did the Webster-Hayne debate fit into the controversy between Jackson and Calhoun?
  13. What was the major point of disagreement between Webster and Hayne? What arguments were advanced on either side?

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