Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Homework due 9/25/08

You are to read two documents for understanding. Please take any notes you feel necessary to facilitate your ability to participate in a class discussion about these documents.

First is the Mayflower Compact, which was written aboard the Mayflower in 1620.

Next is A Model of Christian Charity, written by John Winthrop in 1630. Be aware that this is a much longer document, so be sure to allot yourself sufficient time to read it and read it well.

Focus your reading on identifying the goals of each settlement.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Some comments on Current Events

  • "This article is about..." Don't do it! It's not good writing. Rather, just come out and say it. For example, "This article is about the snow falling in July" would become "Last July, snow fell in New Jersey."
  • Summary is IN YOUR OWN WORDS what the article says. Analysis is your thoughts about the event.
  • Many students like to include a quote from someone quoted in the story. In general, this is unnecessary. If the point is important, you could just as easily put it in your own words. For the most part, however, a single quote is not so important to our understanding of the event.
  • Focus on the event, not the article. Remember that the article is a report about the event, and you should react to the event itself.
  • Don't forget to cite your source and date on your write up as well as having it attached to your article.
  • Half a page, when following the formatting rules, is about 12 lines. Keep this in mind, but also remember that a full and insightful short analysis will always be better than a long one with no real thought, organization, or analysis.
  • Be sure to choose EVENTS. Just because something is in the newspaper doesn't mean it is an event. For example, you don't want to select an opinion piece or an interview. Instead, see if you can find an article reporting about the topic described in the opinion piece or interview.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Change in Late Policy

Because of my crazy schedule, I've realized it is very difficult for you to see me with late work outside of class. SO, I've changed my late policy to the following:

  • Late work will lose ten percent per CLASS day
  • Late work will be accepted no more than 5 class days after the due date

Slavery vs. Indentured Servitude

Please read "Our Plantation is Very Weak."

As you read, please focus on how the system of indentured servitude worked, and what conditions were like for indentured servants.


Please read "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano..."

As you read, please focus on what conditions he describes, and how he contrasts slavery in Africa with that in America.