Monday, October 26, 2009

Homework for 10/30/09

Please read pages 90-97, and answer the following questions:

# What was the First "Great Awakening?" Who brought it about? What groups in colonial society were most attracted to this religious movement?
# Identify the differences between the "Old Lights" and the "New Lights."
# What were the effects of the Great Awakening?
# What was the Enlightenment? How did it differ from the Great Awakening?
# What colonial colleges were in operation by 1763? Why was each founded, and what subjects were studied in the mid-18c?
# What evidence was there that the influence of the Enlightenment was spreading in America?
# Explain the working of the law in colonial America--the concepts on which it was based, and the way it functioned.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Homework for 10/22/09

Please finish reading the documents we began in class. Make sure you continue to read in an "active" fashion--have a conversation with the documents, as described on your instruction sheet.

We will have our inner-outer discussions on Thursday!!

You may find the documents here.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Extra Credit

You may complete the following essay assignment for a potential 20 points of extra credit. Your work is due by the beginning of your class period on October 26. Be sure to read all the requirements as well as the terms of the rubric, posted on this website.

Society and Culture in Provincial America Essay Question

Monday, October 12, 2009

Test Review

Test Review

US I Unit 1 Test

Found the Colonies, Ch 2 (and the last few pages of chapter 1)

Key questions

  • What were the religious, political, and economic motivations that sent Europeans off to the Americas?
  • Why did so many risk the dangers of indentured servitude?
  • Interactions with Native Americans—what comparisons can be made between them in New England, the mid-Atlantic, the Chesapeake, and the Southern colonies?
  • How were early colonies established and governed?
  • How did gender, property ownership, religion, and legal status affect political rights in the colonies?
  • What political, social, economic tensions were there, and how did they lead to violent conflict between the colonists and their governments?
  • What were the religious groups in colonial America, and what role did those religions play in the communities?
  • How and why did family life differ in the northern and southern colonies?

Major topics

  • English motivations for New World colonies—north, south, middle?
  • Successes and failures of each colony
  • Dissent in the colonies; establishment of new colonies


  • Short answers. May consist of lists, analysis, identifications
  • You **may** see a Multiple Choice question or two
  • Test will take approximately 40 minutes
  • Tests will be taken in pen

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Colonization Test

Your colonization test is scheduled for Friday, October 16.

Review info coming soon!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Project Rubric

Character of a Colony Rubric

Homework for 10/8/09

Please read pages 48-59, and answer the following questions:

  • How did the Stuart Restoration affect those English colonies already established in America? How did it affect attitudes about founding more settlements?
  • What sort of social order took root in the Carolinas? Why was it different from that proposed under Carolina's Fundamental Constitution?
  • How did southern Carolina's close ties with the British island of Barbados influence the development of the colony's society?
  • Why did the English resent the Dutch presence in America?
  • Why did power in New York remain widely dispersed? Who shared this power?
  • Why were the Dutch unable to maintain a colony in New York? How were the British able to acquire it?
  • List some of the major social and economic characteristics of the royal colony of New York.
  • Identify the key beliefs and practices of the Quakers. Why can it be said that they were the most anarchistic and democratic of all the Protestant sects?
  • What plans did William Penn have for the establishment of a new colony from the land granted him by King Charles II?
  • How did the influence of the Quakers make Pennsylvania an unique colony? Why was it called a "holy experiment?"
  • Why did British colonists in the Caribbean turn to African slavery as a source of labor?
  • Why was it difficult to establish a stable society and culture in the Caribbean colonies?
  • Why was Georgia founded? How was it different from the other British colonies?
  • What were the colonization policies of James Oglethorpe and his fellow trustees in Georgia? Why did the strict rules governing life in the colony ensure the failure of Oglethorpe's vision?
  • Explain the relationship between Europeans and Native Americans in the "middle grounds."