Monday, December 21, 2009

Homework, due January 5!

Please read pages 149 (The Creation of State Governments) to 155, and answer the following questions:

  1. What was it about the concept of a republican government that so appealed to Americans?
  2. How did Americans propose to avoid what they considered to be the problems of the British system they were repudiating?
  3. How did these new constitutions deal with the question of religious freedom? How did they deal with slavery?
  4. What type of government did the Articles of Confederation create? What were its major features?
  5. Why was the Confederation government organized as it was?
  6. Why was there a delay in its ratification? How were the obstacles to its ratification overcome?
  7. How did the Confederate Congress attempt to solve the problem of the status of western territory that the states had ceded to it?
  8. Which interest groups favored which plans for the sale and distribution of land?
  9. How was paper money seen as a solution to the economic problems of one element in American society? Who opposed this, and why?
  10. How did the action of Daniel Shays and his followers relate to the economic problem of the Confederation period? What was the significance of the movement he led?

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