Sunday, May 2, 2010

Homework and Abolition

Hey guys! Just a reminder that you have a quiz on Tuesday and that your homework is also due. You are reading an excerpt from Uncle Tom's Cabin and writing a letter to the author from an abolitionist or proslavey perspective. Therefore, you will either be praising or denouncing the excerpt.

For those in Periods 9/10, here are the notes of the last class:

American Colonization Society:
Main Objective: Resettlement
Wanted gradual manumission and payment to the slave owners for taking of slaves. One of the most famous of resettlements was to the country of Liberia

Believed that abolition was a gradual process and used means such as lawsuits, legislative petitions, and expatriation to achieve their goals. They also tried to show the slave owners the immorality of his actions of owning a slave.

Could not bear slavery any longer and they wanted it abolished immediately. They focused on the effects of the instituation on the slaves themselves. Many of them wanted to end racial inequality. This gained momentum around the 1830s and became one of the most popular. Many aided in escapes and some resorted to violence.

African American involvement:
Abolitionist groups were the first large, interracial political movement in the U.S. African Americans and whites worked together toward a common goal.
Most African Americans involved were not slaves. They believed that they could not achieve equality with whites if slavery existed. Therefore, their first goal was to get rid of it.

Underground Railroad:
System to aid escaped slaves to Canada.
Although whites had an impact on it, mostly free men aided escapes. They gave food, shelter,and clothing.

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